To the stranger


To the stranger in the room with all her belongings in bags and tears running down her face and despair and heartache in her eyes. I know that I don’t know your name or your particular story but I have been there.

I have lost everything I had and when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, it did. I have been down on my luck. I have lived in my car. I have felt so alone and insignificant that I truely thought the world would be a better place without me.

I have cried so many tears, I thought i would surely die because every ounce of water in my body was in those tears. I have cried till my face was raw and felt like it was burning.

I have felt the emptiness inside, so black and engulfing that I felt myself becoming that blackness. I have felt pain so deep and dark that all I could do was drown it out. I have drunk so much, just to dull the pain, not caring of the consequences to myself, because surely the world and all those I knew would be better off if I was gone.

I have swallowed those pills, with that alcohol, I have drug that knife across my arms and legs, begging and willing myself to bleed out, so I didn’t have to feel whatever it was that I was feeling at the moment, unloved, alone, desperate, hurt, oh so hurt, and too many others.

I have done all those things, not just once but multiple times. And I am still here today. I don’t know how I did it or why I did it, but I am still here. I won’t lie and tell you its gonna get better just like that. It won’t. It has taken me a long time to come to this place in my life. It’s taken alot of work. Work that brought me to tears almost all the time, work that brought me to places that I was so desperately running from.

God knows it wasn’t easy and it hurt like hell, sometimes more than the pain I was covering up. But then it does get easier. The world doesn’t look so black or bleek. Some of those wounds slowly begin to heal.

It does get better. But its going to take work to get there. But I can feel the fight inside of you. I hear your cries in the night. I wish I could do more to help you. I wish I could get you the help you are so desperately asking for. Please don’t give up. Please keep asking for help. Please stop trying to finish yourself.

Please know that there are people who understand what you are going through. Please understand and know that there are people who care about you. Who worry about you. Who cry for you, because they know your pain and want to take it away. I am one of those people.

I do not know your name or your exact story. But I can tell you that I go home at night worried about you, I cry for you. I pray each and every night for you. I pray that you find the help you are asking for. I pray you stay strong, because I know if you do, one day you will be able to say, I understand, I know its hard and it won’t be easy but it gets better. I pray that one day you will be able to help someone else who needs help. Whether it be an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. I hope you hang on, I know you are hurting and in a great deal of pain but please know you are not alone💗


A little bit of pride, a lot of sympathy, some understanding.


This week has been exciting at work. Not in the best way. I have never met the person, or anything but the commotion at work has led me to a few thoughts. One, I am proud of myself. Not in boastful, annoying way but in a humble way, in a way I do not usually allow for myself.

I am proud that I can say that I am not in their shoes anymore. For three consecutive days the emergency services were called. There is a guest who is apparently going through a rather tough time right now, and has been asking for help, for someone to talk too. Because it’s overwhelming and becoming unbearable. Life

I do not know the particulars and honestly it’s none of my business. But I do care and I do understand. I understand their pain. How much it has to hurt to do that to one’s self. I hope and pray for them to find the help they need to stay alive and grow stronger from this moment.

I have come home every day and cried for this person, a stranger I do not know, but one who can sympathize with. I was reminded of all that I have come through over the years. Out all of that, I am able to smile, if only slightly in the acknowledgement that I am still here.

Its a proud, humble moment for me. One overshadowed by the fact that there are people who are struggling so much, asking for help and not always getting it. Not because there isn’t help but because the system us overwhelmed and not prepared for the needs of the population.

It took a couple of times but I rhink the person may have been able to admitted somewhere to receive the help that they need. I pray for them everyday. I pray for their strength to move through and past this and to become stronger because of it. I pray for their happiness and their health.

I would never wish any of this on any one. I was so lucky that people paid attention to the signs, that there were places and people who I could access to help me get through it.

It was not always the easiest road, and to be honest is something that hasn’t gone away completely. I struggle. When things get hard or overwhelming and all seems lost, I fight to stay strong and keep going, even though everything inside of me is crying in pain and just wanting it to end. It is my hardwst fight but my most important, I am fighting for my life. My future.

I am happy and proud to say that for me those times are becoming further and further apart. I have had to be reschooled in a few things, especially with the way I deal with things. Somedays are harder than others for sure. Some days I am too tired and tired of fighting. But most days I can find my way through that darkness.

I can honestly say I don’t want to die anytime soon, and I will do what I can to prevent that from happening.

I take the steps needed, sometimes that is opening up to strangers in the form of therapy, or sometimes taking medication to help me with feelings and things I cannot always control.

Its hard to feel out of control, overwhelmed, and alone. I know that for me I tend to go into seclusion when I start feeling like that.  Its hard for me to be around people when I feel like that. As strange as it sounds, as I pour my heart out on an empty page for the world and all these strangers to read and to judge. It is hard for me to open up sometimes.

So I write, I scribble mad and angry words on paper, I cry, I talk to God or whoever is listening. I go for a long walk or run. Sometimes it is not enough and I have to find a Dr.

I am grateful that I have been able to find help when I needed it. I can only wish that for anyone who needs it. Use the hotlines if needed. Do what you need to find help and to keep moving forward. Because there is someone in your life who loves you and would very much miss you if you were to be gone suddenly.❤


Suicide Prevention Week


It’s suicide prevention week, a cause I know a little too much about, having had people close to me leave too early and my own personal battle.

This definitely not an easy subject to talk about, but talking is exactly what we need to do, so hopefully one day there won’t be a need for such a week.

Now I can sit here and tell you all this statistics and numbers and show you pie charts. That’s all well and good but really is that what is going to get the message across, I don’t think so.

I am 36 years old. I thank God every day for those years. At 12 years old I attempted suicide for the first time. Unfortunately it would not be the last time.

I was young and angry and hurt, it was probably for the stupidest reason on the earth, but when everything was crazy and changing so much, this was something I could control. This attempt would bring about a myriad of problems clearly something wasn’t right, but I said nothing.

Silence can be deadly. I thought about dying all the time. I was convinced that the world and everyone would be better off if I didn’t exist. Some days the pain inside was just too much and I would try again.

When I was 17, I had been at work and had a bad day, I remember calling my mom crying as I was leaving, I had slit my wrist with a box cutter, and I told her she had to come get me, because I was in no shape to drive and would probably go off a bridge.

I would try again quite a few times. I can’t really begin to explain the blackness and pain I felt inside for all those years. Emotions and pain that I had long buried had away of bubbling up, it always seemed at the worst time.

When I was 25, my son was 5 and he was away, when I got the worst phone call, his father had killed himself and was found in his apt. Those feeling I experienced that day have not left me, the anger and hurt, they diminish with time but never really go away. I have for so many years carried so much guilt about that day I felt responsible and that hung around my neck for many years, actually until just recently.

When you are there in that moment you aren’t thinking right, you think everyone will be better without you. The sad truth is, it’s very much the opposite. The people left your friends and family carry so many things with them from that day forward, many become depressed themselves and some will continue the cycle.

My last attempt was the day my husband left me. I carry the physical scars everyday, a daily reminder of that day. It is now covered with by a tattoo, because I am done with that part of my life.

Right before I moved home, I lost an old boyfriend and one of my best friends. It was a hard loss, and like the last time the thoughts that ran through my head were, why didn’t I know something was wrong.

People who try to commit suicide are usually pretty good at hiding things, they don’t say too much. But when they do, you better listen.

All of my attempts were a cry for help, I just wanted someone to listen, to care, to empathize. As much as I said I wanted to die, the truth was the opposite. I wanted to live but was having trouble finding my path, help, and others. I am stubborn to boot. Asking for help outright was very hard for me, but I am so glad people listened when I did cry out.

We do not always know what is going on in someone’s life. Even close friends and family. So we should aspire to be a little nicer, smile a little more, hug more you never know, you may just save a life.

If someone you know, or even if you don’t know them says “I want to die” or ” I am going to just kill myself” or anything remotely similar please call someone. Dial 911 if you have to. Take those words seriously. I have had enough practice myself to know it when I hear it from someone. If you are feeling like this or thinking about it or have a plan please call someone and talk to them, whether a doctor, a walk in clinic, a friend, or even a suicide hotline. Please call and talk.

I have spent many hours on quite a few shrinks couches talking. I don’t have all the answers about what I am going to do in my life, but I am sure grateful and blessed to be still here, and able to write this, and my story.

For those who say it is a selfish and cowardly way out, I don’t disagree but there is more to it than that. It is also a lot harder than you think to do.

To those in my life who have passed because of this, I miss you all so very much and nothing can fill the hole left by your absence I love you. Thank you to those who were listening when I needed it, it allowed me to be able to do the same for someone else.

Life is hard and sometimes it gets really bad, so bad you want to leave. But its not worth it. I am so grateful that none of my attempts succeeded and I am still here. ❤


I spent the night with high anxiety and worrying about someone close to me. I have never been on this side of the equation and let me it is terrifying. I saw the marks and knew deep in my gut something need to be done now, and not later. I was greeted by anger and confusion. Emotions were high. I remember the word I heard out om own parents mouths as I relived this particular point in my past. The words hurt when i heard them then and it was even harder to hear them now. I wanted to shake them, and make them understand. Why didn’t they undrstand it wasn’t just a stunt, something to get attention. Of course it was to get attention but it was much more than that. It was a cry for help. I’m glad I heard it. I don’t really understand cutting. Its something i can try to understand, and i get some of it, but why it has become cool or thing to do is beyond me. But what i did understand was what could happen if it was ignored. I know this all to well, as i feel the scar on my inner arm.

Its always there, no matter how much it fades, it is always there. My family is ashamed of it, it makes them look poorly. To me I hate seeing it, but I know why it’s there and how far I have come. I can now wear it as a badge of courage. I don’t want anymore. I stuggle with it everyday and when things are extremely stressful and my anxiety is at an all time high, it is easy to let my mind wander there.

Last night though, as the tears poured out me it was I all i could to do to show this person what it does, where they were headed. As parent, I don’t care if it’s your kids, your niece or nephew, your neighbours kids or some random kid. Your job is to protect them, at all costs. Sometimes it means being the bad person, going against promises, all bets are off. I would do it for any kid. But when it is someone I am close with the stakes are much higher. The urgency is much more prevalent. I pulled out all the stops opening myself up, going deep into the painful places in my heart and soul. Pulling out memories I have tried so hard to move past, drawing from those moments I poured my heart out, I pleaded don’t follow in my footsteps. I prayed to God. I’m not really the most religous person, but i had my bible out and prayed all night. I hoped to avoid all of this, that they would learn from my stories.

In the end I was amazed and so proud when they asked for help. I am not condoning it, but I understand in a way that most people can’t fathom it, it is one of the hardest things that one can do, it takes so much to do it, i know at this particular age I couldn’t do it, it took me a few more years before I first could admit I needed to help. So I am extremely proud that they were strong enough, to come forward and ask. I apologized for not seeing it earlier, but was glad to see it at all, instead of just pushing it aside as some stunt.

If there is anything I want people to take away from this is, its better to over react everyday of the week, then to ignore it one day, and miss the opportunity of a lifetime.  If you see something that is off, your gut starts acting weird, something seems off, ask. They probably will deny, deny, deny. But stay on them, talk to them until you are blue in the face, do whatever you need to, to get through to them. You may just save a life.

These are only a few resources. If you suspect this might be happening to someone you know, love don’t hesitate to tell someone, a teacher, a parent, go to your church, your doctor, don’t say silent. Its horrible thinking you may lose a friend because you betrayed their trust, but what would be worse is losing them forever to something that is preventable, treatable. By staying silent you give the person permission to continue. Don’t get mad at them, don’t yell and scream, it is hard as a parent you don’t understand why and more than likely you are very frustrated. At the end of your rope. Take a breath, a step back calm down, and go back and talk. More than likey it all they want (using my own experiences), you need to be patient they will fight talking at first, but if you keep talking, try to relate your own personal experiences, if you open up maybe they will. Don’t ignore it. If you don’t know what else to do make a drs appt, or go to the hospital.





Stronger than you think.


By my nature I am quiet and reserved. The underdog in situations I would have to say. I ran track and cross country in high school. The coach recruited me after seeing me run in gym class. For some reason I was a couple of laps ahead of my classmates. Not trying to show off, but didn’t want to lolly-gag along. I started in track, we tried short distance, but I didn’t have the speed or power one needs. I tried hurdles, nope never that. Then finally the longer distances- 1600m 3200m. I found my niche so to speak. I got into a rhythm, and a pace and along I went. I was in the middle of the girls who ran. I was okay with that. Freshman year I started XC. It was a small team from a small school.

There were only girls at the time when I started. These girls would fast become some of my best friends. We would run miles to train. Running anywhere from 5-10 miles a day, generally 5 x week. One of the things I would learn from XC was perseverance. I learned to not quit, even when my body ached and legs screamed and lung burnt. I ran through every kind of weather. Rain being one of my personal favorites. 

But that lesson I would find would carry on in life too. Many times in my life I came across obstacles, I would find myself in pain and hurting, not wanting to take another step, wanting so badly to give up. But on I stumbled. Sometimes I came out with no wear and tear, others I was not so lucky, bruised and worn, scarred. But I would make it out to the other side. My journey has largely been personal and private. Though if nudged I would talk, sharing my deepest and darkest moments with those who would listen. Which is I suppose what lead me here. A way to communicate my journey, and hopefully help someone else’s

From a relatively early age, I began trying to hurt myself. The first incident I was 12, I didn’t want to move, so I hatched this plan thanks to Health class, and I quit eating. Some people would guff at this. But for someone, a child who couldn’t control anything, this was something I could. It didn’t quite register at the time there were much faster options and I had picked the slow way. I lost probably close to 30lbs in a month. Friends started to notice changes. One day a group of girls confronted me, and practically force fed me. I eased up a bit with the food to get people to quiet down. I was afraid I would get in trouble and that is not something I look for.

The next incident was a few years later. Then a few more years went by before the next incident. Each and every time I felt I had come to the end, life was too hard, too painful, I wanted out. The world would be better with out me. I sincerely believed that. By in no means am I condoning this action. But I have an understanding most people don’t. One day years later I would be confronted with something I had never experienced. The loss of someone close to me, by suicide. I was devastated. My world came crashing down in an instant. My heart ripped from my body just ached with pain, then seethed with anger.

It took many years to get over that, and in all fairness I don’t think one gets over it. One moves forward out of necessity, self preservation. I had an intimate understanding of what it took to be in that place from own struggles. I felt guilty, and still do because I couldn’t help that person, I wasn’t there. Suicide leaves a path of destruction in its wake. The ones left, try to pick up the pieces of wreaked and ruined lives and move on. Not an easy process.

People would hear about it, or something would bring up the topic and I would hear “it’s just so selfish”, “don’t they know it’s us who has to live with it”, ” they were weak”. I wanted to punch someone or something when I heard those things. Screaming inside my head, you don’t understand. Especially the last one.

I AM IN NO WAY ENDORSING OR CONDONING THIS- THIS IS MY OPINION FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCES. People who do this are not weak. They are strong and have carried many things, much more than most people realize, then there’s a point its too much. In my own experiences, I struggled long and hard, to be happy, to function everything. Nothing seemed to work. Therapists helped, prescriptions helped, but not always forever. Some times life, would get too stressful, too much. For me personally it was a snowball effect. one thing would lead to an avalanche, and I would be buried alive with so many feelings, and they weren’t usually good. It was like replaying a movie over and over. I would hear everything I heard- “you’re not doing it right”, ” how stupid could you be”, among countless others. I hated myself and was convinced that everyone in world hated me as well. What was the point?

In my later events my son was probably the one reason I stayed alive. I could not let him be left with out anyone. I would tell myself this over and over again till I heard it, understood it, felt it. My last incident to date was a few years ago. By far the most serious of all my attempts. I was quite serious this time. I was prepared or at least I thought I was. A mixture of pills and alcohol, and a knife I was quite confident I would accomplish my goal. But something happened, something I could not have foreseen or expected. A guardian appeared. My guardian angel. She sat with me, and I suppose communicated with me, kept me aware, alive. In the end the police knocked on my door, and I went willingly with them to ambulance.

I would struggle for quite awhile after that. Always wondering why? What was wrong with me, I couldn’t even do this right. The answer came I was not done here, it was not my time. A year or so I would meet who I thought was the reason I lived. But like so many other things in my life, that would end at some point. Don’t get me wrong, my time in that persons life was fulfilling in many ways, especially to me. After so many heart breaks and losses (and no I am not talking about boys or partners) I found my heart open again . It was truly the best gift I could have gotten. I am very grateful for time I spent with that person and I learned as much or more than I think I gave.

The point of all of this is that I am still here. After everything I have been through, I’m still here. I don’t understand it half the time, and is an on going source of well, confusion, in my life. I don’t think about it often, and maybe I would do well to remember it. I am stronger than I think I am. I fight everyday for my life. Some days it is hard. I can feel it inside of my trying to take over. Other days which seem to be more numerous as of late, are good days. I am relatively happy, and once in awhile I smile.

I am not in the greatest place in my life at the moment. I find myself thinking way too much about everything. Its what I do. I worry. I stress out about everything, have anxiety about everything. There are days I don’t get out of bed, other days I jaunt through the woods for few hours, whilst talking to myself, trying to work things out in my head and heart.

But I am here. I had a therapist remark to me once in amazement, that I was still around. Let alone did not seem to have issues such as drugs or alcohol addiction problems.  She told me I should pat myself on the back, “you’re much stronger than you realize or allow yourself to know”.

Just like running all those years and miles ago, I still put one foot in front of the other. I deal with the pain and everything much differently than when I was younger. Guess I grew up. Its not perfect. As I said I fight for everyday that I am here. I love my life. All the good and bad experience make me who I am today. I do not know where this road leads, but I am happy and very grateful for each step on it.

I used to hate it when people told me “it will get better”. I knew they were only trying to help to encourage me to stay strong, when all I wanted was to desperately let go. But for all those people I am eternally grateful. That’s the thing you never know what it going on in a persons life at any given time. So even the simplest thing, saying hello, or doing something nice, can change a persons life in an instant. I try to keep that in mind as I move forward. I try to conscious of this and try not talk badly or meanly about someone, because just like the nice words or gesture, these ones can change lives as well.

So for all those struggling, I know it’s hard. I know what it feels like to be there, at the end of your rope, when everything seems so bleak and dark. You are afraid to go on, you are hurt and in pain and feel alone, like no one in the world gets it. I do. I know there is light beyond the darkness, that it gets better. Its hard to believe, when everything sucks so much and you don’t see a way out. But all you need to do is put one foot in front of the other. Baby steps.

Its about loving oneself, and for some its not always easy, they don’t think they deserve it, but they do, you do. I cannot make your choices for you. It is a personal journey each must take on their own. But all those people in your life who keep asking “what’s wrong?”, “how can I help?” take the first step, ask for help. I know its hard. God knows I wouldn’t do it. I had to force my self many times to ask for help and it made me feel defeated, and weak. But know and understand that it takes much strength to admit to oneself and to others that you can’t do it on your own, and that it is okay to need help, need someone to talk to, you just need to take the first step. You are stronger than you think.

