Mothers Day


One of the best moments in my life was the day I became a mother. It is one of the hardest, most rewarding jobs I will ever have. From a young age I always wanted to be like a mom, just like mine. When I would play house I was always Mom, yes I am older, but that was what I wanted more than anything when I grew up.

At five, I had no clue how hard it was, I saw my Mom and the stuff she did, if I did that then I would be a mom. At 20 I had no clue how hard it was, but very quickly found out when my eldest came into the world. To say I was slightly under prepared, would be an understatement. But like every other mother in the world the learning curve is a steep and fast one, but you catch on pretty quick.

He hardly slept the little bugger. I swear that boy would go to bed at midnight and wake up at 5am bright eyed, and bushy tailed. Sleep was a thing of the past indeed. Never mind, the middle of the night feedings, the crying that wouldn’t stop no matter what I did, and you’d go through the whole list, change the diaper, feed him, hug him, sing to him, hell I even found myself in the crib because he wouldn’t sleep. The things you do for your baby.

You suddenly find yourself doing anything and everything for that baby. There isn’t anything you wouldn’t do. The same show over and over again until you are repeating it in your sleep, when you happen to doze off, building towers of Lego and playing cars in the dirt. I read the same story over and over because that’s the one he liked.

Then there were the harder times, the first time he fell and got hurt. The nights, when he was sick and there was nothing I could do, the trips to the hospital that made my heart cry. The nights I would spend crying to sleep because I was tired, and nobody told me this was how it was going to be.

The decisions I had to make, were all about him. Whatever was best for him, no matter how hard they were for me. Not one person explained that one to me. But I learned. Even through those desperately hard times, I wouldn’t have traded it for anything. I felt like I was doing what I was meant to do.

Skip ahead many years and for the first time in a very long while I am feeling like I have the right to celebrate this day once again. A mother again, much has changed this time around, much has stayed the same. But for me personally, I am humbled this time around, I don’t for granted these moments which are indeed fleeting at best, though difficult at the time, and I have been tested. I know it’s all worth it in the end. Its the best job.

So to all the moms, who have bags under their eyes from very little sleep, whose hair hasn’t been brushed in awhile, who wear the same clothes every day, who are spit up on, peed on, and don’t even care, the ones who stay up all night with their babies when they are sick, drive everywhere, do anything to make them better. The women that juggle jobs, and kids, husbands and partners and sometimes not. The ones who the job doesn’t stop if you are feeling tired or sick. The ones that carry screaming kids out of shopping centres and grocery stores, who pee nursing a baby, or hide in closets, cry in showers just to get a minute. I salute you. I am you. Thank you for everything that you do. This world wouldn’t turn without you. You are underpaid, and underappreciated most of the time. But we all know that its worth it in the end. Here’s to all the moms around the world that do it all. Happy Mothers Day ❤ ❤ <3. Enjoy your day.

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